Can Parents Agree to Waive Child Support in Consideration for a Waiver of...
I have encountered this question, or variations of it, with some frequency over the years. My answer, while surprising to some, is always “no.” This is not to say that parties are barred from entering...
View ArticleThe Reality of Imputing Income in a Divorce Case
One of the more vexing issues in a divorce case involves determining an appropriate level of alimony or child support. If the parties’ incomes are not disputed, the task is easier, but if one or both...
View ArticleJurisdictional Requirements of Child Support Modifications
A change in circumstances is a common occurrence in post divorce matters. The financial status of either divorcing party can easily change following a divorce. Considering that financial obligations,...
View ArticleWhen Does Child Support Begin?
There are many rules in our court system pertaining to the filing of pleadings. In order to start a divorce case in court, a Complaint for Divorce must be filed. The date the complaint is marked...
View ArticleThe Termination of Child Support Law—Benefit or Burden?
It is a common misconception that children automatically emancipate upon reaching the age of eighteen in New Jersey. In reality, there is no specific age when a child emancipates and child support...
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